Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sickly Reading.

So it is most unfortunate and completely aggravating,  but once again I am sick. Sore throat, upset stomach, hard to breath or eat or do much more than sleep. I have therefore decided to take advantage of the fact that feeling like death makes me want to do nothing but be surrounded by blankets either on the bed or the couch with a good book...or two...or three...

What's more, thanks to the lovely Nook that I received as a Christmas present, I have an entire bookstore at my fingertips! I had previously be reading "The Physick Book of Deiverance Dane" by Katherine Howe. It's light fantasy, mixed with loose historical facts in a modern day setting, witches being the topic, although it does take a while to get to that point. Personally, I thought it was rather entertaining. The main character, being a post-grad at Harvard, stumbles upon a trail to what could be the only real book of spells in history, all while cleaning out her crazy old grandma's house.There's even a teensy bit of romance, but thankfully it's not too overdone.

Once that was finished (and several naps later), I decided I ought to finish "The Retirement Miracle" by Patrick Kelly. I was actually asked to read this one for work. It's an easy read, short and to the point. Not something I would normally pick out for myself, but I'm glad I took the time to read it. Of course being for work, this was a non-fiction piece, and completely pertaining to my job. I actually already knew some of the information in the book, but it was nice to have things confirmed. (Meaning these can be very good options for people and it's not just management saying, this is our product, sell it!) There is a suggestion for people who are saving for retirement and another for those who have already done the saving. but still have concerns. The latter is one that I believe in whole-heartedly, but at only 112 pages, I'll let you discover what that is for yourself.

Then I couldn't help myself. I pulled up the "shop" tab on the Nook, shifted through their suggestions, and there it was, "The Five People You Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom. I suppose I'd never picked it up for fear it was overly religious, but there I go again judging a book by its cover. I read the description, and decided I must have it; plus $6 seemed completely doable. I have since finished it before it was even lunch time this morning. What a lovely little book. Although it's completely fiction, it'd be very nice if that's how things work out in the end. I think I need to add "Tuesday's with Morrie" by the same author to my reading list as well, although I'm not sure what I'll pick up next.

What's been on your reading list lately?

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Hey Ashley, I'm so enjoying reading your blog. Go ahead and splurge on "Tuesdays With Morrie", you will love it!