Thursday, January 22, 2009

11 hours.

That's how much I slept last night. It was definitely needed. I feel so much better today. Yesterday was one of the busiest/craziest service days at work ever. I got home made chocolate chip peanut butter chip cookies, watched maybe 45 minutes of TV and crashed at 8:00.

We moved to the other building at work this week. The one I'm in now is sooo much nicer than the other one. We've got windows all over with sunshine pouring in. It's just Ali's team of ASA's and Cleveland's pod. It's going to be really nice. The kitchen over here is's just so wonderful.

It looks like today is going to be a much better day than yesterday. More like a typical work day. Not sure what I'll do this evening. Maybe I'll finally get some pictures uploaded. Relaxing TV and a BSG marathon maybe? :)

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