Tuesday, February 28, 2012

30 Goals by 30 Years

I've been trying to think of how to pick my blog back up. My main problem is that I want it to be more focused. I follow blogs that are all about cupcakes, writing a book, wedding ideas, etc. and their entries are nice and focused. I've come up with a few ideas and think I have it narrowed down, but for now I thought I'd try this...

I completely stole this idea from my bestie over at Sabrina's Writing Reflections who is turning 30 in the fall, but I thought it was such a great one. Lately I've been so focused on all the things I can't do, when what I need is to focus on all the things I can do. My 30th birthday will be October 12, 2015, so I've definitely got a little bit of time. Maybe I'll finish early and have a whole new set in a year or two...but for now, here's my list and I'll probably repost it with stuff crossed off every 6 months in order to see how I'm doing. In no particular order:

  1. Participate in 6 craft fairs with my crochet stuff
  2. Don't let others get me down and remember this every day, "You is kind, You is smart, You is important"
  3. Read 30 new books (yes Sabrina I stole this)
  4. Remember the little things and don't fight over money
  5. Learn Italian or Spanish
  6. Get 10,000 fans on my Facebook model page
  7. Run a marathon
  8. Remember to send out birthday/anniversary cards to my family/closest friends without them being late
  9. Join a crochet/scrapbook/women's group (or 2) here in PA
  10. Continue learning how to fix my '71 Camaro by myself
  11. Reach 300 blog followers
  12. Have an official date night at least twice a month
  13. Fill the 4 journals I have sitting on my bookcase
  14. Crochet 4 afghans
  15. Be old fashioned "pen pals" with my Grandma and Sabrina
  16. Build a clientel for my hair styling work
  17. Volunteer at a soup kitchen or nursing home
  18. Take enough pictures to fill my two Christmas/Winter scrapbooks
  19. Finish Grandma Molly's memorial scrapbook album
  20. Remember to take photos with Nate, friends and family year round so I can scrapbook our memories
  21. Start my own racing scrapbook
  22. Reread Writing Down the Bones and follow her suggestions for writing topics in my journals
  23. Remember to share good news, not just the bad news
  24. Get some legitimate, paid modeling work
  25. Sign up for 30 modeling contests
  26. Attend pilates or yoga classes
  27. Run the NYC marathon
  28. Take a cake decorating class
  29. Take up ballroom dance lessons again
  30. Visit the top 10 places to go in Pennsylvania as listed here: http://midatlantic.choicehotels.com/pennsylvania-hotels/top10attractions
Okie dokie, now I've got 3 years and 7 months to get it all accomplished!


Sabrina A. Fish said...

Steal away, dear friend! Love, Love, LOVE #2 and may steal it myself. That was my fave line from the movie.

I still have a letter waiting on me to go get stamps so it can make its way to you. It doesn't really have news, but some advice, so won't be 'old' by the time it gets there.

I need to read that "Writing Down the Bones" book you talk about.

And I also need to work on getting my cards out on time. *sigh*

I love you, dear friend. And I miss you so much.

Ashley Rachelle said...

Another friend sent #2 to me the other day. Also Melanie suggested Writing Down the Bones. I borrowed her copy and got through the whole thing, but I'd like to have had more time with it. I felt rushed with the move and all.

I miss you too.