But in all seriousness it is pretty cool to help people plan their retirement giving them a road-map to follow. I've even gotten several perks and bonuses along the way including a shiny little trophy to sit on my desk for most applications written by a new agent, a couple of gas cards, two happy hours for writing annuities, and I'm not done yet folks!
In other news I actually received a tax refund this year that was more than $30. It only took until I was 27 for that to happen. I think I spent it responsibly:
- savings
- debt
- bills
- treating my Darling to sushi
- donating to a worthy cause
- a much needed hair cut (I'm ashamed I hadn't gotten one since November!!)
- a pair of high heels (because I am a 27 year old girl and one can only be responsible for so long!)
It's been a crazy week. What positivity has been in your life lately?